Monday 23 September 2013

When I first discovered flats (zinnfiguren) a few years back, I started a fairly popular web blog which has seen very regular postings from myself as the collection grows.

It occurred to me that I should do the same for my even larger miniature figurine collection, amassed and built up over several decades. I have posted some photos of my pieces on other websites but the pictures were always seen in isolation, with a cursory caption. There was no context for researching and making the pieces in the first place. Even step-by-step (SBS) threads were lost and forgotten as other threads and works came into the fore. 

And no one ever posts their failures on these sites. But we learn from failures, don't we? Surely, a personal and built-up collection that we are justifiably proud of should contain all the relevant pieces, including some less spectacular pieces for nostalgia. i have included many of these failures as they represented milestones in this artistic journey.

A web blog would allow a more thorough and somewhat chronological assessment of my collection, allowing me to introduce some early pieces, some learning points, some wistful recollections, and also to focus on very specific and unusual themes, concepts and ideas that I had incorporated into the pieces. The photos would be accompanied by text to create a photo-essay.

I will continue to edit each of the postings as more figures and related info turn up as this is a work in progress blog. I hope that this blog serves as an inspiration to other miniature figure collectors in that the most enjoyable way to collect is to make your own figures and do your own research..

So keep watching this space.

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